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Area and Thematic Studies

International Studies and Programs is a constellation of offices, centers, institutes, and programs housed throughout the university. The core activities of most of these units are driven by interdisciplinary groups of faculty drawn from throughout MSU's academic colleges.

African Studies Center

Founded in 1960, the African Studies Center has a long history of partnership and cooperation with African institutions. The Center boasts more than 170 core faculty who carry out research, teaching and service related to Africa. We also have a nationally recognized outreach program, language instruction in 19 African languages and a long-term commitment to global engagement.

Asian Studies Center

Founded in 1962, the Asian Studies Center is distinguished by its comprehensive attention to East, Central, South, and Southeast Asia in the design of its curriculum, focus of faculty research, and scope of outreach activities.

Canadian Studies Center

The Canadian Studies Center researches and informs the broader community about all aspects of Canada, particularly its connection and contribution to a global society. The center advocates for research, teaching, and outreach linkages between MSU and Canada's institutions.

Center for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies

Since its founding in 1964, the Center for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (CERES) has provided language education and outreach support to the mid-Michigan community through partnerships with more than 54 institutes of higher education in Europe, Russia and Eurasia.

Aerial photo of Machu PicchuCenter for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) supports scholarship on Latin America and the Caribbean by facilitating interdisciplinary collaborations on campus and forging partnerships with institutions in the region. CLACS identifies emerging opportunities for research, educational exchanges, and engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean and serves as an information hub for faculty and students with interests in the region.

GenCen-side-by-side.jpgCenter for Gender in Global Context

The Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen) works to increase knowledge about how lives are affected by global processes, and highlights the intersections of gender identities with racial, sexual, socioeconomic, and other differences in the context of global change. Working with the academic colleges at Michigan State, GenCen promotes undergraduate and graduate education, advances gender- and sexuality-related interdisciplinary research, and undertakes outreach and active learning initiatives.

Red and white striped arches inside buildingMuslim Studies Program

Established in 2006, the Muslim Studies Program coordinates research, teaching, and outreach about Muslim societies and states. It promotes a global view of Muslim societies and states, and organizes speakers, workshops, and conferences on a wide range of topics that reflect the rich diversity of Muslim communities around the world.