MOU/MOA Renewal Process

Renewing an MOU/MOA

To renew an MOU/MOA, send the following to agreemen(at)

  • A message confirming that you and the international partner wish to renew the agreement for another five years.
  • Once ISP receives the confirmation via email, the MOU database and other records will be updated extending the agreement.
  • If you wish to update the terms and conditions, contact information, or signatories, please send an edited copy of the existing MOU for review and approval by the ISP Dean's Office and other applicable MSU departments. If a revised document is desired, we can route for approvals and update the database, but it is not required.

The MOU review process may take up to 10 business days.

If you wish to nullify an existing agreement, please inform agreemen(at) and ISP will mark the partnership as inactive.