International Studies & Programs

Global health is essential

Practicing and interacting with individuals from different cultures and backgrounds is essential to understanding the needs of communities outside the United States.

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Published: Friday, 19 Apr 2024 Author: Dominique Horn

From the perspective of a global health master’s student, attending the study abroad to the Dominican Republic was an impactful and meaningful experience. Practicing and interacting with individuals from different cultures and backgrounds is essential to understanding the needs of communities outside the United States. For instance, the sanitation conditions in the Dominican Republic are poorly practiced compared to the United States. Trash lined the streets, and hand hygiene was minimal due to the lack of resources and limited access to adequate care for most families within the bateyes. Bateyes are known as communities within the sugarcane fields in the Dominican Republic. Therefore, physically witnessing the living conditions of a different population addresses the importance of global health practices worldwide. Global health is an essential concept to understand as a medical professional. It connects the cultural and environmental aspects of an individual's health and needs within the community.

Two fundamental concepts I practiced when observing the different bateyes were the anthropological gaze and the one-health approach. The anthropological gaze is where individuals from outside the community observe and learn about the community from a community member’s perspective rather than a biased one. For example, interacting with individuals within the bateyes as community members allows families to build trusting relations with MSUCOM, which assists with the level of care provided to the bateyes. The one-health approach values and considers how a decision will impact the animals, humans, and environment as one aspect. For instance, implementing new sanitation practices affects all three elements within the bateyes if they are not appropriately evaluated. The importance of the two approaches intertwines with one Horn 2 another, which is to promote and provide adequate care for all communities.

Attending this program enhanced my reasoning behind wanting to become a physician in geriatrics. Working hands-on with individuals of the elderly population and MSUCOM medical students and physicians in the Dominican Republic was a remarkable experience that ensured my passion for global health and geriatrics. Connecting the two worlds defines the importance of providing resources and preventative measures to all, which can look different from one community to another.

Being one of the first master students attending this program was an honor. I would recommend other master’s students to participate in future trips to build an understanding of all factors that contribute to global health.

Name: Dominique Horn
Status: Graduate
Major: Osteopathic Medicine
Hometown: Roscommon, Michigan
Program: Global Health: Dominican Republic - Clinical Immersion