If I could tell my younger self she would be seeing the breathtaking things she stayed up late watching on TV in real life, she simply would not believe me.
Friday, 31 Jan 2025 Author: Shealyn Paulis
As someone who comes from a middle-class family, traveling abroad seemed like a faraway goal my entire life. Something that would come after I had established my career, or even a savings account for that matter. But suddenly, this past summer, I was granted the opportunity of a lifetime to not only travel but to study abroad in Peru.
This program was unique and fit me for many reasons; not only did it perfectly align with my major and concentration of journalism/international and environmental reporting, but also my minor, which is Spanish. From the second I learned about this program; I knew I had to do everything I could to make it happen. Not only would this be the experience of a lifetime, but I would have the chance to network and apply skills I've been learning here at Michigan State University.
And I did exactly that. I used every opportunity granted to me on this program to apply my Spanish and journalism skills and gather contacts for career and academic opportunities. We visited several universities where I had the chance to mingle with our exact demographic (students) and practiced my skills along with intercultural communication throughout my entire time abroad.
More than anything, this program truly helped me focus on what I want to do with my degree when I graduate in just one short year. The world seems bigger than ever, yet I feel more sure than ever before about what I want my place in it to be. As a young adult and student, this is huge.
On a personal level, I am tearing up just writing this and thinking of all of the astounding people, places, plants, animals, and sights I saw while in Peru. We visited the most diverse and wide range of places throughout our short month in the country. In the big city of Lima, we saw the bustling, clean, tourist-focused districts as well as the ones where those who are barely making ends meet live. I could talk all day about the rainforest, our time in Tambopata was extraordinary. I grew up watching National Geographic and Animal Planet rather than Disney or cartoons, and if I could tell my younger self she would be seeing the breathtaking things she stayed up late watching on TV in real life, she simply would not believe me (or she’d scream/cry/throw up). I saw countless things (plants, animals, environments) that simply do not exist in the US, especially not my home/school state of Michigan. I cried every single night in the jungle about how thankful and amazed I was to be there.
The cultural aspect of this program was invaluable. Nothing in a classroom or textbook could ever compare to what I saw and witnessed abroad. The sense of history within the culture and way of life is nothing like what we have in the US, and I noted the pride the people of Peru have surrounding their country, heritage, and nationality. To fully understand and embrace the culture, I even ate some meats (chicken and seafood) after 8 years of vegetarianism in the U.S.! And I have no regrets!!
Overall, these experiences are nothing short of astounding, invaluable, and fuel to my fire. I feel more moved than ever to continue my education and travel the world and do whatever I can to make my mark with my career and work and spread the joys and experience of travel with everyone I know and love. Above all, I want everyone I speak with about my time in Peru and who reads this testimonial to know what an amazing, safe, and beautiful place the global south/Latin America is. The stigmas and stereotypes are not all true and deserve your own attention and experience. This part of the world should be seen as a prime destination for all students and travelers, and I wouldn’t have chosen anywhere else on the planet to spend my June 2024.
Name: Shealyn Paulis
Status: Junior
Major: Journalism
Hometown: Jackson, Michigan
Program: Environmental and Science Communication in Peru