International Studies & Programs

Greek culture taught me to be less anxious

I’ll take a step back and think “what would I do if I were in Greece right now?”

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Published: Wednesday, 05 Mar 2025 Author: Anne Powney

Anne with a group of friends posing at sunset near the sea in GreeceMy experience abroad in Greece helped my academic pursuits and career goals because I was exposed to so much different culture. Being a well-rounded person is really important for any professional pursuit and traveling can help you do so. Therefore, studying abroad is a great opportunity, and especially for American students, to help you see the world from a different perspective than you do day-to-day. Once again, these perspectives and experiences can help you stand out to an employer someday.

On a more personal level, my study abroad experience really opened my eyes to a different way of thinking/living. Greek culture is much more laid back and less “go go go” than American culture and I found myself being less anxious than usual. I am definitely going to bring this perspective back with me to America for either my classes, career, or ordinary day-to-day life when everything seems to be too much. I’ll take a step back and think “what would I do if I were in Greece right now?”

Lastly, I was worried how my experience abroad would be affected due to the fact that I do have a disability. I was scared I was going to be judged by my peers especially because I have an “invisible disability.” However, this turned out not to be the case. I had already informed the Professor before the program, and he was extremely helpful in making me feel comfortable asking for breaks etc. In addition, my classmates and I quickly became a “mini family” because you are with them 24/7. Therefore, you will naturally begin to feel comfortable around everyone and there is View of Greek land from atop a mountainno passing judgment.

Overall, my program to Greece will help me academically, professionally, and personally for the remainder of my academic career and later for my professional one.

Name: Anne Powney
Status: Junior
Major: Humanities Pre-Law
Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Program: Business Law, Ethics, and Sustainability in the Global Market in Greece